Monday, December 29, 2008
"The Hard Way"
However, I just had to jot this one down before it slipped my mind...
I arrived in Mississippi for my Mar's funeral on Sunday afternoon. I called home to check on the boys and see how things had gone getting ready for church, etc.
SIDENOTE: Joshua had made a booklet the week previous in Sunday School that contained pages that they could memorize to earn points towards prizes. He had kept it in the van and had looked at it several times, so I knew he was working on it. (Example: Books of the OT or NT, 10 Commandments, etc.)
Back to my story...I was already missing the boys and was anxious to talk to them when Joshua got on the phone. The following conversation ensued...
Me: Hi, Sweetest!
JK: Hi, Mom. (He always sounds so little on the phone.)
Me: How was church? Did Daddy brush your hair and help you tuck in your shirt? (Mind you I left EVERYTHING layed out and ready to go--including breakfast!)
JK: Yes. Hey, Mom?
Me: Yes, Baby?
JK: Guess what?
Me: What, Baby? (Normally at this point, I would become "IT".--I fall for the "What"game everytime. It really has become old these past few MONTHS!)
JK: I got to pick out a prize at Sunday School today!
Me: You did?! That's great! What did you memorize and tell your teacher?
JK: I did two!
Me: Are you serious?! Wow! Which ones?
JK: Fruits of the Spirit and the books of the New Testament
Me: Wow, Joshua!--I knew that you had learned "the fruits", but you did the New Testament too?
JK: Yes! (His voice is VERY excited and VERY confident.) AND she even said that I did it the "Hard Way"!
Me: The hard way?
JK: Yes, the hard way.
Me: What do you mean, Sweetie? (Confused, but trying not to hamper his excitement.)
JK: Out of order!!!!!
No, joke...and he was so proud that I had to cover the phone to keep him from hearing me burst out laughing! Oh, I do love my Joshua Kirk!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
It Is Well With My Soul
This picture was taken the last time I saw Mar. My mom and I took Joshua to see her (and her husband, Jim) in October of 2002. She fell in love with him!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
It's a GREAT day to be a Redskin!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Got Me Some Cute Goin' On!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
"Sunday School Answers"

Above pic is of Joshua and his teacher after his "program". It was "Bedlam Day" at school and he and Mrs. Coleman matched! (All of the children had on turkey hats, not just mine!)
As I took a shower tonight, I thought back over something that happened at Joshua's little Thanksgiving songfest at his classroom this afternoon. It wasn't really a program per say, just a chance for the parents to come and see their kiddos sing a few Thanksgiving songs. It lasted all of 10 minutes and then we got to take our children home early! (Yea for the teacher!) Anyway, after about the third song, the kiddos reached down and picked up little signs and held them by their sides. One by one they each held up their sign and read off what they were thankful for. (I know, don't end a sentence with a preposition!--"...for which they were thankful" sounds so formal!)Family, friends, my dog, etc., etc. were some of the answers. Eventually it came to Joshua's turn and he says in a clear voice, "I'm thankful for Jesus." Well, I just stood there in the back of the room feeling so proud that MY child had such a good answer and was not worried about saying it.--How awful am I?
When I was thinking over that tonight, it made me remember something that happened earlier in the week with John Thomas that I found humorous. It was time to pick up Bubba from school, and I went upstairs to wake JT up from his nap. I got him out of his crib and set him on his changing table to put on his shoes so we could leave. He had been sound asleep, so his hair was crazy and his little eyes were still all scrunched up. He just looked so snuggly! I squeezed him and said, "OOH, who made you so cute?" He looked at me and in a monotone voice said, "God did and he made my tennis shoes too." I almost burst out laughing because it was like a flashback to my elementary Sunday School classes where if you answered "Jesus" to any question, you were almost guaranteed to get it right!
In pondering these two times with my boys, I am so glad that they know the "right" answers to say. At least that let's me know that they are HEARING. But are they SEEING? I so want to be a vessel through which they see and feel God's love demonstrated for them. My greatest desire and prayer for them is that one day they will not only know ABOUT Him, but KNOW Him. I have gotten to witness and be a part of so many milestones in their short lives, but nothing could compare to that day!
Monday, November 24, 2008
I Got "Punk'd"!
I digress...Anyway, last week I was so proud of myself because for the first time in FOREVER I was going to the doctor for a check-up! I know that doesn't sound like something fun and surely not anything to be proud of, but I am NEVER sick and, therefore, NEVER go to the doctor. It is so bad that on any paperwork where it asks for my primary care doctor, I feel guiltly writing someone because I bet if they saw that they'd say, "Who? I don't have a patient named Mary Fried-rich." (That, of course is the way they'd say it!--And "Mary"...well, that's a whole other story.)
I digress further...All of that to say, I called, made an appointment, went and had my bloodwork done in advance, and the day finally arrived for my appointment. Well, I sat and sat and sat in the waiting room and then the exam room, but eventually had my appointment and everything was ok! Leaving the examroom, I head to check out. At this point, I am frustrated at the amount of time it took, but glad to know that my health is good. Since I had gotten my flu shot, I was having to write another check.--While doing so, my cell phone rings. It is a number I don't recognize, so I answer and the ensuing conversation takes place:
Caller: Mrs Fridrich?
Me: Yes?
Caller: This is Judy from "the preschool" (should have been a clue to me!)
Me: Yes? Is John Thomas okay?! (feeling panicked)
Caller: Well, he is just having a really hard time today.
Me: Is it his behavior or is he not feeling well?! (getting a little more panicked)
Caller: Well, he has been hitting all the other children and...(I interrupt)
Me: Oh, my goodness!
Caller: He is just being really bad and...(I interrupt)
Me: Oh, my goodness...That's just not like...Well, should I come and get him?
Caller: Teen? (pause) It's me!
Me: Oh, you've got to be kidding me! Bull!!!!!!! Oh, you are so evil!
My heart is still racing typing this! My sister got me good. I've officially been "punk'd"! (But she IS evil and must be destroyed.--Just wait, Lucy, when you least expect it..!)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Trick or Treat...Smell My Feet!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
"Fall Free Days"

Thursday morning Lucy and I took the kiddos to the donut shop to eat breakfast and to let Karson pick out/order her birthday donuts.--Hard to believe she's going to be 5! When we got back to Nana's, we decorated a real gingerbread haunted house, did Halloween crafts together, jumped on the trampoline, and just had some good play time.

It was so great to wake up Saturday morning and have Daddy at home. The day was gorgeous and we took advantage of it! We scootered and played basketball, passed the football and frisbie, played on the playground and just had an all around good time.
To top off the great weekend, we all got showered and dressed and headed to the TU game. We got there early and ate out on the lawn. What a festive atmosphere and a great game! It turned cool and the Hurricane turned it on! It was so fun to be there as a family, and the boys were great.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
One Hump or Two?

To answer the question...One hump! How crazy is this? My boys rode a camel! They both loved it!

Oh yeah, we picked out some pretty great pumpkins while we were there too! (That is a stuffed scarecrow behind them, not me!)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Whatever Works...

He still had on his Superman jammies, but had added a TU stocking cap and Tulsa Drillers sweat bands! --Ride 'em, cowboy...or Superman, baseball player, TU fan boy! All I could do was giggle. He was happy, I got to clean...whatever works!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Nature Vs. Nurture
Weekends are EXTREMELY long for me. We see Kirk on Fridays after the game on the field for about 5 minutes. He usually comes in around 1 or 2 a.m. after we're all asleep. That's it for Friday. On Saturday, he pokes his head out of his office long enough to watch Joshua's football game, but he stands on the field to watch and goes straight back to work before the snacks are given out. (He did make it home for dinner on Saturday night, though.) Sunday's are always hectic trying to get everyone ready for church and then rushing to eat lunch, so Daddy can get back to work ASAP. He usually makes it home around 7 or so on Sunday nights.
You catch my drift? Weekends are extremely long for me! (I really do have a point here.--Stay with me!)
Yesterday was a particularly long day due to the fact that the boys couldn't look at each other without fighting. It was driving me nuts, so finally about 4 o'clock, I called Nana and asked could we bring the fighting, I mean come over to her house and play. Of course she agreed and off we went. My ideal plan was for me to sit on the screened in porch (anyone noticed how bad the mosquitos are lately?--It's almost October for goodness sakes!), with the ceiling fan going and watch the boys jump on the trampoline. That lasted for a while and then came the dragging out of every toy known to man from "the crates". John Thomas became engrossed in putting every toy up onto the tramp. Which took quite a while, because it is quite a feat for him to climb on and off! Meanwhile, Joshua and I decided to play football again.
We seem to have some of our best conversations during our passing games.
"Mama, this is going to be the best touchdown pass ever."
"Okay, that wasn't it. THIS is going to be the best touchdown pass ever."
"This one is going to be the best punt ever."
"Mom, pass it over there. This is going to be the best interception ever."
"Okay, this is going to be the best back up, take a knee and let the clock run out ever." (Is that a coach's kid or what?)
"This one is going to be the best spin, break a tackle and score ever."
This continued on and on until he is running past me doing one of his "best ever" moves and he stops, bursts out laughing and says, "This one is the best TOOT ever!!" and commences to laugh and pass gas.
Shortly thereafter, he informs me he needs to go the bathroom and can he please just go outside?!
My case is proven, is it not?! I did not teach him these things!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
"The Best Day of My Life"
Saturday, I woke up early to the sounds of pouring rain outside my window. I thought to myself how glad I was that JK's flag football game was on the turf intead of the grass field this week. By game time, it was not raining and we enjoyed the game without rain gear or umbrellas. Joshua had a touchdown and pulled two flags! But that wasn't the "best day of Joshua's life"...
After an EXTREMELY muggy Friday and Saturday, we awoke on Sunday to a sweet, cool morning. We went to church and learned about not losing our zeal or passion for God and our spiritual walk. Joshua won New Testament Bingo twice in his small group and received 2 Laffy Taffy's! After church, we met Doo-Daddy (Nana was sick) at Fuddruckers for lunch and JK won 3 prizes out of the hardest arcade machine in the place! When we came home he played Madden on PS2 and beat the computer by a bazillion! Later, I needed to go out and mow and made the boys go out with me. They scootered and played golf and climbed on the fort. Every few rows, I would stop and push them on the swings. After I finished, we sat on the back porch and ate popscicles. A rousing game of football ensued thereafter between Joshua and I. (JT played with us periodically, but mostly got out every toy we have in the back yard and ran about!) That is when the "best day of my life started". In between passes, JK started talking..."I love breezy days like these, it reminds me that Halloween is coming." "I love wearing these cozy shorts (long, cut off sweat shorts)". "I love playing ball with you, Mom." "You're the best mom I've ever had." (Ok, so I'm the only mom you've ever had!) "It doesn't get any better than this!" "I'm so glad JT's my little brother." (At the time, JT was leaving us alone and playing pleasantly by himself!) "That was a great pass, Mom." "That's okay, Mom. I don't always throw it very good every time either." "I just love breezy days like these!" "You almost got me that time, Mom."
We played until past dinner time and finally Daddy got home, and I went inside to fix something quick for dinner..."Wow, Mom, a bacon sandwich. That's exactly what I wanted."...On to showers and into bed. "Can we read part of my book from the tooth fairy, Mom?" (He lost a tooth on the field after the game on Friday night!) "Yes, but only 2 chapters. You pick which ones." He picked and we took turns reading one page after another. I told him that his aunt Lucy and I used to laugh and laugh about this same story. He giggled so much I thought that he would wake up John Thomas. After we finished and said prayers, he turned and said, "Mom, this was the best day of my life." Wow, not Daddy's win, or his success in his own game, or his birthday or Big Splash or the lake or all his other favorite things...TODAY was "the best day of his life". Glad for once I wasn't too busy or too lazy to be a part of it.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Here he is in action...#24! Great form! (He did score a touchdown on the first play of the game. We threw a pass, he caught it and took off down the field to the endzone!)
Here's an interesting thought...our roofing materials are supposed to be delivered this afternoon. Removal and reroofing won't begin until next week or possibly the next. Since the supplies sit in a LARGE stack on your driveway, it blocks you from utilizing one whole side of your garage. With all the storms predicted in the next week, let's pray Kirk's truck doesn't get hail damage while we're waiting to get our roof repaired from hail damage!
Last of the random thoughts...while in Target yesterday purchasing a $40 halloween costume (yes, Joshua has to earn it), I saw fall floral leggings in the junior/women's dept.! Oh, my goodness...that is a blast from the past that really wasn't a blast when we were in the past! You've got to be kidding me! I know I am rarely all put together and in-style these days, but this is one time I won't mind!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Another Day of Firsts

Thursday, August 28, 2008
'Lympics Revisited
"Poo-Perrios" (the second part is pronounced like the cereal Cherrios)
In context..."Mon (come on), Mama. Play in rayroom (gameroom). Poo-Perrios."
See what I mean? Thus, the "What?"
"Mama! Poo-Peerios. Rayroom!"
It is not until he goes and gets the basket out that I realize, "OOOOOH, super heroes!"
"Yes, Mama, poo-peerios."
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
And They Taste Good Too!

Friday, August 22, 2008
My, My How I've Mellowed!

Those who know me today might only suspect that I might be a little tightly wound, but they have no idea that I have always been, well let's just say...a tiny bit type A, anal retentive, obsessive compulsive, over-achieving , "all-girl" perfectionist! For a little history, I will give some brief examples:
*In fifth grade, I got so anxious about the first day of school, I threw up and missed it entirely. Much to my dismay, that made the second day of school even harder!
*In middle school, I made my dad go with me on schedule pick-up day. We would walk to every class on my schedule and make me a list of directions.
*In high school, I had my mom bring home bulletin board paper (she was an elementary teacher) so I could cover my textbooks. I would buy coordinating folders (red cover/red folder and so on) so I could maximize my time at my locker and make sure I didn't arrive in class unprepared or with improper materials.
*To this day, I bet if you went back to the on-campus apartments at Oklahoma Baptist University and went in my old bedroom, you'd see hot pink fingernail polish spots on the dresser. I repainted my nails every night to make them look fresh. I also rolled my hair every night on spongy rollers, so even if I overslept, my hair would always look good.
*At my first teaching job at Tulsa Public, I was wearing black jeans on a spirit day. I always sent all my jeans to the cleaners and they were so starched and creased that a student thought I was wearing leather pants!
*Later in my swinging single days, my church singles group went camping one weekend at a campground near an OK lake. We slept in tents and it POURED down rain all night. The next morning I awoke, went up to the showers and emerged in an ironed t-shirt tucked into cut-off jean shorts (purchased that way at Old Navy) and a belt! Later that summer I went to Africa on missions and the group bet that I couldn't make it 2 weeks without wearing parfume.
Get my drift?
What spurred this post...This morning I was at a donut shop ordering donuts for a surprise birthday party for my son's teacher. (They do donuts that spell out "happy birthday" and all kinds of shapes and decorations.--Let me tell you, they. are. cute!) While I was looking at all of the designs and talking to the owner, John Thomas was looking in the case. All of a sudden, he screeches, "Momma, star! Momma, me, star donut!" I only paused for just a second, and then I ordered it for him. You do not understand the growth here, people! Had this same scenario presented itself 5 years ago with Joshua (mind you, I did not even have his bag complete with bib and wipees with me or in the car!), there would not have even been a pause! The answer would have been "Not on your life, child of mine!" (Well, maybe not those exact words, but something to that effect with a nice tone of voice, of course!) But here I am five years later, buying a donut with icing for my 2 year old, curly-head. We sat and visited and he thoroughly enjoyed his donut. And you know what? So did I!
Like I said, most people in my world today only suspect my former tendencies. Now I have learned to let my house go dirty (okay, it's neat but not clean!) while I play with the kids. I wear sweats or gym shorts and my hair in a clip (I've really learned this one well!). I even let my kiddos run in the sprinkler with their clothes on. So you see, I have so mellowed!
Did I leave out the part where JT really wanted the BLUE star donut and I "gently steered" him towards "wanting" the WHITE one?!:)
Monday, August 18, 2008
2008 "Lympics"!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Precious Moments--Not the figurines!
For those of you that have very short short-term memories, let me refresh the two and one-half years of John Thomas' life , we have moved from Stillwater to Owasso and Owasso to Tulsa. That means that Joshua has gone to three different schools in the last three years. To see him walking up the sidewalk to school this morning, just made my heart feel so full. He got out of the van (dressed in his camo school spirit shirt) and started walking when he saw some buddies. It was like a sea of camo and black mesh shorts! They all grinned and turned and walked in. And I thought...He belongs. I feel it and he feels it. God is good.
Back on the home front, while "Bubba" was gone, John Thomas and I spent the morning scooter-ing in the driveway, pulling weeds, playing basketball and sliding at the playground. (Oh, the overcast morning was so nice.) Once back inside, we sat on the floor in his room and read books and played train. There were no interuptions, no rowdy craziness, not even a furrowed brow (JT has mastered that look lately). It. Was. Delightful. And the Lord made me very conscious of my precious time alone with my second born.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
First Time For Everything!
Another first, my first born started first grade today! He was VERY excited and had been counting down the hours! When he came downstairs fully dressed and ready this morning, I almost couldn't catch my breath. Could it be that this handsome boy is really my little one? I don't know why this year was emotional for me; he went to kindergarten all day last year. It isn't even the fact that he'll be gone all day (Lord knows we need a little time apart and a lot of structure after this summer!).--I think it is just knowing that this is another year older, another year of growth, of becoming an even "bigger boy". He even wanted me to drop him off instead of walking him to his class. Okay, sometimes a mom has to draw the line! I compromised and walked him up to the door of the school and then let him go! What a HUGE milestone of growth that showed in him! I couldn't be more proud of that big boy if I tried.--The Lord truly blessed me 7 years ago with Joshua, and I can't wait to see what HE accomplishes this year through him.

John Thomas will start preschool after Labor Day.--Thank goodness I will have a couple of weeks to recoup! (Although, "Me go school", was totally ready to go today!)
The last of the "firsts" or otherwise random ramblings of my first ever blogging experience...Kirk turned 40 today! It sounds so old to be into the forties. Thirty-something was still young and swinging, but now...well, let's just say, I am glad that I'm still not there yet! Seriously though, it was a great day (hopefully he thinks so) of celebrating and teasing at his office--complete with screened t-shirts (terrible picture of him accompanied with caption "I'm a man, I'm 40!"), lots of yard signs in our neighborhood and on campus, pictures on the jumbo tron, peanut butter cookie deliveries and a great lunch. JT is still wearing his little "Daddy-face-shirt"!