John Thomas went to preschool for the first time today. The day had been so highly anticipated, that I was a little nervous when he was a bit subdued. (Last week at "Meet the Teacher", he proudly announced, "My school" when we drove up and "My class" when we reached his classroom. Mind you, we do not attend this church and had never been there before.--I was impressed with how comfortable he was.) We got to school a little early and sat in the car and visited and watched a DVD. I knew things were going to be okay when he started begging to get out and go! Off we went into the chaos of first day preschoolers and their parents. We weaved through all of the kids, strollers and baskets in the halls and made our way back to room 111. Both teachers greeted him by name! (That's right...no one forgets my baby!) He put his new football lunchbox in the basket, and in he walked proudly carrying his mat! Not a tear or a look; he was so brave and happy! On the other hand, I lost it! I watched him for a second and then left. Right about now he should be doing his bible story or craft, and have already been to music, had snacks, and played on the playground...not that I'm thinking about him or anything! I'm so proud of him!
After getting in the van, I drove a little way and then realized that I didn't have to listen to the Scooby Doo DVD that was playing. I turned it off, said big prayers for the little guy, and tuned in to an actual radio station! Here I was...riding ALONE, listening to adult songs, going to Walmart! Wow, talk about a first!
Well, I got out of Walmart without a donut, popcorn chicken or even a smiley face sticker.--I almost didn't know what to do with myself! Now I'm home and ready to begin the HUGE list of projects I have set "To Do Once JT Starts School"! Wish me luck!
Such a big boy. I'm proud of BOTH of you!
What precious boys! They do grow up sooo fast, I speak from experience! I am also so proud of you not sweating the small stuff and picking your battles-way to go JT! Enjoy the sprinkles!!! Love you all! Tr
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