Monday, August 18, 2008

2008 "Lympics"!

As I got around to the passenger side of the van to get John Thomas out this morning, his comment made me think of this blog. We were back in the garage after taking Bubba to school, and he saw a box from Daddy's birthday present. "Look Mama! Daddy weedie eater boc!" "Weedie eater" struck me as funny, so I began to make a list of some of his latest. Here goes:

1. "Weedie eater"=obviously, weed eater (By the way, Hon, the yard looks outstanding!)

2. "Darth Bader"=we are all about Vader at our house these days!

3. "Doda"=Yoda-- always said in a serious and reverent, low voice

4. "Doo-Doo"= Scooby Doo--this one is really fun when he sees S.D. balloons across the way at Wal-mart and screams to alert me..."Doo-Doo, look Mama, Doo-Doo!"

5. "Poo-Panda"=Kung Fu Panda

6. "Rockets"=rocks; such a problem with his crocs at the playground--they always have rockets in them!

7. "Blip-Blops"=flip flops; this makes me giggle everytime he says it

8. "Mamble"=cousin Campbell; mind you, her older sister's name is Karson and he says that just fine!

9. "Curry hair"=describes himself; he has curry hair!

10. "Lib"=lid; as in "I do lib!"--when you are trying to get him some juice and he is spilling it everywhere

11. "Brow-brows"=eye-brows; we have learned what these are lately and I'm sure he wonders why I want him to show me his all the time; he sounds so cute!

12. "Lubs"=loves; he has to "give lubs" every night before bed

13. "Huppy"= any kind of dog; he loves them, unlike his older brother who is terrified!

14. "Grage"=garage; said as one syllable not two; inevitably that where his "shoesies" are!

15. "Picycle"=popsicle; yesterday he and JK had one outside; when asked what color theirs were he replied, "Bubba purple, me red."--Actually his was orange and Bubba's was green!--That's my boy!

16. "Huh Thomas"=John Thomas; he knows we say something before his middle name, so he does this little sigh/exhale/pause then the "Thomas" part; if anyone calls him "John" he doesn't even turn!

17. "Lympics"= Olympics; we are addicted! He has been watching every night after bath, chanting , "Go Blue"...I think he's confused and thinks its Gladiators...or Wipeout...we prefer educational tv over here!

Speaking of Olympics, I deserve a gold medal for mopping my ENTIRE downstairs before I wrote this. We are not talking "swiffering", people.--I mean the fill up the sink, rinse every time, wring it out, mopping! While my arms are strained from patting myself on the back just then, I better figure out a way to go dust and clean bathrooms while little man naps. Go USA!--Tina


zum the mum said...

Oh that sweet boy! He makes me smile and I was laughing outloud reading this post. I think my favorite is "weedie eater"...but I will always love "Mambell".

Girlfriend, you are an inspiration to all of us with your mopping! As Rus would say, "Let me be the second to congratulate you." :)

Love you.

Carolynn said...

Tina--how wonderful to find your through Melissa's blog and hear about your sweet family. Your son is about the same age as my youngest--I love all the cute sayings--great idea to write them down--I may have to copy you on that:-) Just wanted to say it is great to know you are doing well.

Lauren said...

Blip-blops! Too cute!