First of all...the name--"Mama Fred"...well, since before I even met my husband, everyone always called him, "Coach Fred". After we got married and we were teaching in the same building (same grade and subject), I became "Mrs. Fred". In the natural progression of things, I have now become "Mama Fred"! No, not really, in fact, no one calls me that, but this blog required a name and I couldn't come up with anything more creative! So there you have it... "Mama Fred". (By the way, should "mama" be spelled with one "m" or two in the middle?)
Another first, my first born started first grade today! He was VERY excited and had been counting down the hours! When he came downstairs fully dressed and ready this morning, I almost couldn't catch my breath. Could it be that this handsome boy is really my little one? I don't know why this year was emotional for me; he went to kindergarten all day last year. It isn't even the fact that he'll be gone all day (Lord knows we need a little time apart and a lot of structure after this summer!).--I think it is just knowing that this is another year older, another year of growth, of becoming an even "bigger boy". He even wanted me to drop him off instead of walking him to his class. Okay, sometimes a mom has to draw the line! I compromised and walked him up to the door of the school and then let him go! What a HUGE milestone of growth that showed in him! I couldn't be more proud of that big boy if I tried.--The Lord truly blessed me 7 years ago with Joshua, and I can't wait to see what HE accomplishes this year through him.

John Thomas will start preschool after Labor Day.--Thank goodness I will have a couple of weeks to recoup! (Although, "Me go school", was totally ready to go today!)
The last of the "firsts" or otherwise random ramblings of my first ever blogging experience...Kirk turned 40 today! It sounds so old to be into the forties. Thirty-something was still young and swinging, but now...well, let's just say, I am glad that I'm still not there yet! Seriously though, it was a great day (hopefully he thinks so) of celebrating and teasing at his office--complete with screened t-shirts (terrible picture of him accompanied with caption "I'm a man, I'm 40!"), lots of yard signs in our neighborhood and on campus, pictures on the jumbo tron, peanut butter cookie deliveries and a great lunch. JT is still wearing his little "Daddy-face-shirt"!
Another first, my first born started first grade today! He was VERY excited and had been counting down the hours! When he came downstairs fully dressed and ready this morning, I almost couldn't catch my breath. Could it be that this handsome boy is really my little one? I don't know why this year was emotional for me; he went to kindergarten all day last year. It isn't even the fact that he'll be gone all day (Lord knows we need a little time apart and a lot of structure after this summer!).--I think it is just knowing that this is another year older, another year of growth, of becoming an even "bigger boy". He even wanted me to drop him off instead of walking him to his class. Okay, sometimes a mom has to draw the line! I compromised and walked him up to the door of the school and then let him go! What a HUGE milestone of growth that showed in him! I couldn't be more proud of that big boy if I tried.--The Lord truly blessed me 7 years ago with Joshua, and I can't wait to see what HE accomplishes this year through him.

John Thomas will start preschool after Labor Day.--Thank goodness I will have a couple of weeks to recoup! (Although, "Me go school", was totally ready to go today!)
The last of the "firsts" or otherwise random ramblings of my first ever blogging experience...Kirk turned 40 today! It sounds so old to be into the forties. Thirty-something was still young and swinging, but now...well, let's just say, I am glad that I'm still not there yet! Seriously though, it was a great day (hopefully he thinks so) of celebrating and teasing at his office--complete with screened t-shirts (terrible picture of him accompanied with caption "I'm a man, I'm 40!"), lots of yard signs in our neighborhood and on campus, pictures on the jumbo tron, peanut butter cookie deliveries and a great lunch. JT is still wearing his little "Daddy-face-shirt"!
Oh, I almost forgot...the last of the "firsts"! Joshua is no longer a HUGE Green Bay Packers fan. This a definite first! We had a MAJOR problem when Brett Favre got traded last week to the Jets. Why, you ask? Because our lives have centered around BF for the last two years and thus the $70 Green Bay backpack we took to school everyday last year would not, could not be taken now! So, in an effort to lick our wounds (and hopefully save Mom some money in the future--football is a fickle business!), we went to the U-Wear Store and bought the one pictured above! He was happy and, therefore, so was I! (Although, amongst all the happiness this morning, he did ask, "Mom, for Christmas can I get a Jets backpack?!") Like I said in my "About me" little bio life is all about faith, family and football!!!!!!!! 

Great first entry. LOL at the BF story. Joshua has grown even more since the family pics last month!I'm glad you're starting a blog. Lots easier for you to share with all of us, without the hassles of e-mail. Maybe it'll encourage me to actually update my own more than once every few years. Love ya, Fred!
Your loving brother,
I'm so proud of you!!! You did it. Now you too can think of life in terms of "bloggable moments".
I'm so proud of my sweet big boy nephew. He is precious and so grown-up. It sounds like he had a great day.
You are such a great mommy. I'm proud to call you my sister.
Oh my sweet, big boy! He looks so grown up! You did it, Teen, the blog looks great! I'm glad the day went well. I am so proud of you and love you dearly!
Oh my goodnesss! The last time I saw him he was about 2! That will be mine someday. And I bet Ethan will just as tall.
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