We've been on Fall Break for the past few days, so I'll post the annual pumpkin patch pictures soon. But just a few funny ones for me to remember years from now...
1) I was sitting at one of Joshua's football practices (which was cold and rainy and dark AGAIN!) last week, when one of the moms (she has a son on the team, but also has a younger daughter that always plays with J.T. at practice) looked over and said..."K brought Jesus." OK.... "She wanted to share with John Thomas." OK...Then K comes over carrying something to J.T. CHEESE-ITS!!!!!!!!!! Obviously, with all the umbrellas and hoodies and wind, etc. I misunderstood her! But, so glad she's raising her child to share Jesus with her friends! We've had to chuckle since.--"Jesus" came with her to the game on Saturday as well!
2) Joshua got to go to the lake with Nanny and Gramps yesterday following his game. When we got to the van after getting him off, there were two TU flags tucked in my door handle....Gramps! When we got home, JT opened one and unrolled it. He was elated and began alternately waving it and poking me in the eye! As we got ready for a bath later, I took off his shirt. Immediately, he grabbed his flag and began running down the hall yelling, "Go Hurricane!" Ok, love the school spirit, but trying to get a shower and get to bed now! I tried to get him to put down the flag and get undressed, but he continued to hollar and run about. He knew I was getting frustrated, so to justify his enthusiasm, he explained, "I'm like the boys at Daddy's field!" It took me a minute, but then it registered...there are three students that run out of the tee-pee and across the field after every touchdown with flags...U-H-S...you guessed it--wearing no shirts! (Just FYI--they are all boys!)
3) On the way home from church today, we were talking about what J.T. learned and what songs he sang, etc. Somehow in the middle of the conversation, birthdays came up. "Mom, Joshua and Gramps have their birthday together." "Yes, Sweetheart. Their birthdays are on the same day." "I want mine to be the same as Gramps' next time.":)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
My little man...
Obviously, I haven't had time to post in quite awhile.--I know, what's new, huh? I have to remind myself, though that the original purpose of this blog was for me to jot down special or funny things so I wouldn't forget them as the kiddos grew up. Thus, the following:
One day a few weeks ago, John Thomas, Joshua and I were longingly thinking back about the summer. The beach came up and then the lake. We talked about playing "Wipe Out" on the inflatibles in the water, Joshua skiing, both of them tubing, and then JT started this line of conversation...
JT: "Next summer I am going to ride "Pinky" with Mom and you can ride "Fum" with Dad.
Josh/Me: "Fum"?
NOTE: We have 2 waverunners at the lake. One is an older model and it is white and burgundy. For some reason, we have always referred to it as "Pinky". The other one is a much newer model. It goes VERY fast and is white with a dark green almost black color.
JT: Yes! "You and Dad will ride 'Fum'!"
Josh: What are you talking about?!
JT: Getting exasperated..."I WILL RIDE 'PINKY' AND YOU WILL RIDE 'FUM'!!!!!!!"
I hit me..."Pinky" and "Thumb"!!!! I thought to myself...surely Gramps has taught him this as a joke. Nope!--I called and asked. JT came up with this all on his own. Made sense to him!
One day a few weeks ago, John Thomas, Joshua and I were longingly thinking back about the summer. The beach came up and then the lake. We talked about playing "Wipe Out" on the inflatibles in the water, Joshua skiing, both of them tubing, and then JT started this line of conversation...
JT: "Next summer I am going to ride "Pinky" with Mom and you can ride "Fum" with Dad.
Josh/Me: "Fum"?
NOTE: We have 2 waverunners at the lake. One is an older model and it is white and burgundy. For some reason, we have always referred to it as "Pinky". The other one is a much newer model. It goes VERY fast and is white with a dark green almost black color.
JT: Yes! "You and Dad will ride 'Fum'!"
Josh: What are you talking about?!
JT: Getting exasperated..."I WILL RIDE 'PINKY' AND YOU WILL RIDE 'FUM'!!!!!!!"
I hit me..."Pinky" and "Thumb"!!!! I thought to myself...surely Gramps has taught him this as a joke. Nope!--I called and asked. JT came up with this all on his own. Made sense to him!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
My Charger

Today was Joshua's first tackle football game! I was heartbroken to have to miss it, but John Thomas was sick! (Staying home with JT was the least I could do after dragging him to the Union/Jenks game with 102 fever, a cough and pink eye! He was MISERABLE!--Yes, go ahead and give me the "Worst Mother of the Year" award now! I would feel a tiny bit better about it if we'd just won the game!) Anyway, Grandaddy picked him up and met Kirk there to watch. They killed the bears and shut them out 24-0, I think! (I know it was a shut out, but don't even remember if we can go for PAT's or not!) Anyway, the journey begins for another Fridrich football player! GO CHARGERS!:)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
"Jenks Week"
For as long as I can remember there has been a "Jenks Week". Being a graduate of Jenks High School and former Jenks teacher, it was always the week that Jenks played Union in football. Once I met my husband and "saw the light and came over to the other side" (as he describes my conversion experience), it became the week that Union plays Jenks! Anyway, it is a STRESSFUL, but exciting week of anticipation on my part and exhausting preparation on Kirk's part. All of this to preface my conversation at Sport Clips today after school with John Thomas while he was getting his hair cut.
Me: John Thomas, who is going to win the game tomorrow night?
JT: I took my alligator to school for show and tell today.
Me: Yes, I know. Who is going to win the football game tomorrow night?
JT: Brett Favre plays for the Vikings.
Me: Yes, Mrs. B told me that you told her all about Brett at preschool today. Do you think the Redskins will win the game?
JT: Ummmm...Daddy's boys are gonna win, but Tate (his preschool buddy) likes "The Jenks"!
Obviously, we have some serious A.D.D. issues to deal with, but 1) my 3 year old is having conversations about the upcoming football games with his little friends, and 2) he's educating his teachers about the NFL and its many icons! You should have seen his teacher's face when she was telling me.--She had no idea that his daddy was a football coach! "The Jenks"...I am still giggling about that one! GO SKINS!
Me: John Thomas, who is going to win the game tomorrow night?
JT: I took my alligator to school for show and tell today.
Me: Yes, I know. Who is going to win the football game tomorrow night?
JT: Brett Favre plays for the Vikings.
Me: Yes, Mrs. B told me that you told her all about Brett at preschool today. Do you think the Redskins will win the game?
JT: Ummmm...Daddy's boys are gonna win, but Tate (his preschool buddy) likes "The Jenks"!
Obviously, we have some serious A.D.D. issues to deal with, but 1) my 3 year old is having conversations about the upcoming football games with his little friends, and 2) he's educating his teachers about the NFL and its many icons! You should have seen his teacher's face when she was telling me.--She had no idea that his daddy was a football coach! "The Jenks"...I am still giggling about that one! GO SKINS!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful...
Ok, people it is just the beginning of September and I've worn a sweatshirt three nights this week! Weird! Rain and storms, sun and humidity, cool breezes...???
From the above weirdness comes 2 funny statements from the boys:
This morning when Joshua woke up it was POURING down rain. After looking outside he said, "Is school going to be cancelled because of all the thunder?"
(You can tell he has grown up in Oklahoma!)
Wednesday morning the boys were chatting over breakfast about the storm in the night. (Yes, JT did come downstairs twice and wake me up. UGGGGG!) John Thomas told his brother, "Yeah, I had to put my blanket over my head so the "funder" wouldn't wake up my ears."
Love those those boys!:)
From the above weirdness comes 2 funny statements from the boys:
This morning when Joshua woke up it was POURING down rain. After looking outside he said, "Is school going to be cancelled because of all the thunder?"
(You can tell he has grown up in Oklahoma!)
Wednesday morning the boys were chatting over breakfast about the storm in the night. (Yes, JT did come downstairs twice and wake me up. UGGGGG!) John Thomas told his brother, "Yeah, I had to put my blanket over my head so the "funder" wouldn't wake up my ears."
Love those those boys!:)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
"My not want to go to school!"

Oh, my precious John Thomas...he does light up my life, but he so marches to his own beat! Unlike Joshua who has LOVED school from his very first day of MDO, JT seems to like it, but would rather stay home with me! He informed me this morning on the way to his first day of 3 year-old preschool, "My not want to go to school." To which I responded, "I'm sorry, sweetheart, we have to go to school; that's what boys and girls do. They all go to school to learn and play." Even though I said this in my cheesiest teacher voice, he still said again, "My not want to go to school!"
Oh, well, at least he didn't cry. Although...do you see the picture with his new VERY nice teachers? Yep, he borrowed those lips from his older brother who has them mastered! No, seriously, he really was ok and so was I surprisingly! He put his lunch in the bucket, his mat and backpack in his tub, turned in his "All About Me" star proudly (BTW, I did a very nice job on it, thank you very much!), and went straight to play on the floor with the trains. Aside from not wanting to smile for the camera, he acted almost like it was a normal day! He even blew me a kiss goodbye! I was so proud.
After his little "open house" last week at school, I came away so excited about all he is going to do and learn this year. Just last week, he started drawing me pictures of himself complete with hair and legs and eyebrows and everything! The past two nights, after reading our books, he has "read" them completely to me! You don't understand...this is my child who only knows the letter J and T (oh, and U--for Union Redskins!) and could care less!! I really feel like he is growing and ready to learn! It's sounds corny, but it's so exciting to see!
In just a little while I will drive to his school and walk down the hall to his classroom. I will peek in and my eyes will be drawn to this skinny, little, curly headed blond child.--My throat will tighten and my heart will swell because I am so proud of him and so glad that he is MINE! I love you, little man and am excited to watch you grow this year. It's going to be an awesome adventure!
Homeroom Mom

As a little girl, I had all these dreams of what my life would be like when I "grew up". My childhood was a GREAT one and I wouldn't change a thing, so a lot of what I envisioned came from my own personal experience watching my mom. Even though the getting married right out of college thing didn't quite go as I planned, I DID marry the man of my dreams--just about 7 years later! Since I married a football coach, I tacked on some new ideas to go along with my childhood visions...I would continue saving the world through molding the minds of our youth for a few more years, then have 2-3 children and stay home and raise them until they were all in school full time and then I would go back to work. My dream was to be the wife that worked registration at the little kids camps, sorted t-shirts and shorts for a bazillion players, painted logos on locker room floors, made snacks for the coaches' on work weekends and never missed a chance to cheer on my man and his boys. Meanwhile at home, I saw myself taking my kids to the park, doing crafts at home, making cookies together, snuggling while reading books, supporting them in all their activities and...being a homeroom mom while I could. (I may have failed at some things so far, but I have gotten the priviledge of being Joshua's class homeroom mom for last year and looks like again this year.
Mrs. C's birthday falls at the beginning of school, so we had to work fast! It was the same day as "Curriculum Night", so I wanted to do something to make her feel really special, but not stress her out on such a long and stressful day/night. We started the day by bringing in her favorite Sonic drink and homemade cards and presenting her with an autographed t-shirt that said "Your Class Rocks". That afternoon when she went to pick up the class from P.E., they were not there! All she found was a gift and a ransom note. She was given specific instructions which took her all about the school gathering gifts. The final place was the science lab, where we all waited to surprise her. The kids thought it was a blast and she seemed touched. Thank goodness it was the end of the day.--Between the double decker cookie cake with icing and the ice cream with toppings, they were hyped up! Happy Birthday, Mrs. C!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Where has all the time gone?

Last week I walked my 8 year-old into his second grade classroom for the first time (and the last, mind you; I'm required to drop him off at the curb after the first day!). Will someone please tell me when he got to be this big? Wasn't it just yesterday when I went to meet his Mothers Day Out teachers at SCC?
He was just two then, but I knew he was bright. He had learned all of his letters by sight the previous January, and when I went to his little Christmas program, he knew ALL of the words to Jingle Bells, even the "dashing through the snow" part! He had a small aversion to getting his hands dirty that year, but made it through making the painted handprint Thanksgiving turkey. I remember Nanny and Gramps driving all the way for the end-of the year little spring presentation and he pretty much picked his nose during all three songs!
When I took him to FUMC to tour his new preschool when he was three, he identified all the letters he saw around the room immediately for the director. (I wasn't proud or anything!) Even though his best buddy always had fifteen pieces of art work in her cubby at the end of the day and he only had 1 (that was required!), I knew he was going to be okay. Really, how important is it that he make a marshmallow snowman?! There was nothing cuter than him in his shepherd costume at the Christmas program that year. (Nana and I nearly burst into tears when he came walking out!)
The next year we increased his time from 2 half days to 2 full days and 1 half day. He now took his lunchbox and his nap mat. What a big boy he was walking in with all of his gear. Even though, Miss D said that he had trouble with scissors/cutting and still didn't like crafts all that much, she made him a reading buddy and he "read" to the 2 year-olds once a week! I will never forget he and Carly doing the "Turkey in the Straw" dance on stage at the FUMC auction that year.--They were the hit of the show!
When he was five, it was a whole new ballgame...we had moved to Owasso and he was in pre-k. He was already reading everything in sight, but we began to notice something else...his memory! He could tell us all of the birthdays of all his classmates. He knew exactly which sport/team pennant he had earned in the exact order that he had earned it (he has almost 200!). Not only was he continuing to grow cognitively, we saw his social and leadership skills begin to flourish. Oh, and he was obsessed with Brett Favre. Miss Patrick said that Joshua taught her all about the Owasso Rams and the Green Bay Packers that year!
Yep, we did it to him again!--He started a new school for first grade. We moved again! At age 6, his Union kindergarden teacher told us that she didn't think there was anything that they were going to cover that year academically that he hadn't already mastered. As his parents and as educators, we were not concerned with that aspect of Joshua at that point. We wanted him to grow in his relationships, self-confidence, and citizenship. What a tremendous year he had! He made lots of great friends, played flag football, basketball,and tee-ball and became such a secure little boy. He also got to go to the Pro Football Hall of Fame with his daddy in Canton, Ohio that year. He missed a day of school, but memories that will last a lifetime!
For the first time in three years, he started school at the same place! He entered first grade knowing the building, the administrators and lots of the teachers already. He was delighted with his new teacher and even though he continued his pattern of going to the enrichment specialist once a week for reading, he was challenged in all areas. He loved learning about many areas in science and social studies, never missed a word on a single spelling test (even his special challenge words!), learned to tell time, count money and write with little hooks on all his letters. Even better, he still claimed to be the fastest kid in the first grade and had lots of friends to sit by at lunch and play with at recess. Flag football and basketball continued to make him happy, and he hit several homeruns in coach pitch ball too!
All three years previous he has looked forward to school starting and been excited to go, but a little anxious the day of its arrival. This year (partly due to looping), he was very calm. He LOVES his teacher and his classmates and is confident in his ability to do well in school. I am so thankful for the educational experience that he has had so far and the role it has had in making him into the young man that is now a second grader. Unlike at home, he seems not to melt down in frustration if he can't do something exactly right the first time. It is a place where he can shine in his strengths and better his weaknesses. He even has decided that he really likes having me up there volunteering a lot! Tackle football has started and it's a whole new uncertain journey, but he is taking it in stride, and we are excited to see how he likes it and does. (I think he's even deciding that his daddy actually knows a little bit about football!)
Even though physically he has changed drastically since that first day of MDO when he was two, and emotionally he is so much stronger now that he is 8, he still gives me great big hugs at night and tells me that he loves me "to the moon and back". I couldn't be more proud of that big boy. "I'll love you forever, I'll love you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be."
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I've Always Been a List Maker
Life just happens. It seems just like yesterday that I was unpacking from the Bahamas, rushing around getting last minute Easter things ready and reeling from the fact that my baby had just turned three! Well, as this blog vividly points out, time just flies by!
I have and always will be a list maker. Shopping, packing, lesson planning, daily to-do's...I'm all about lists! (Don't tell anyone, but if I do something during the day that was not on my list, I'll add it later and cross it out just to feel like I've accomplished more!--I know, I'm sick!)
Anyway, sad to say, that these last 3 months of lack of postings will have to come down to this--A list! (I will even have to put off adding pictures until later, so get ready for some brief, non-exciting, chronological events without any cute pics of the boys to make you think it was even worth reading!)
Here goes:
I have and always will be a list maker. Shopping, packing, lesson planning, daily to-do's...I'm all about lists! (Don't tell anyone, but if I do something during the day that was not on my list, I'll add it later and cross it out just to feel like I've accomplished more!--I know, I'm sick!)
Anyway, sad to say, that these last 3 months of lack of postings will have to come down to this--A list! (I will even have to put off adding pictures until later, so get ready for some brief, non-exciting, chronological events without any cute pics of the boys to make you think it was even worth reading!)
Here goes:
Top Ten Things That Have Happened Since My Easter Post
1. John Thomas fell down the stairs and busted (I know, not a word, but what do you say?) his lip and hit his tooth. Over the next few weeks it consequently began to turn grey. My heart was crushed, but the dentist said that there was nothing we could do short of a root canal!
A few weeks afterwards, we all went to watch my nephew, Brett, play in the spring game for TU. We were so pumped to see him run out of the Golden Hurricane Helmet for the first time! (He graduated early and came on to TU in January.) He plays receiver and after a GREAT diving catch near the sidelines, he fell and broke his hip.:(
2. Joshua began his second season of baseball. This year it was modified coach pitch--3 pitches from the coach and if no hit, two chance off the tee. He had a great season and had improved SO much from last year! Several home runs!:)
3. I love to volunteer at Joshua's school. It has always been my prayer that I could stay home with my kiddos and be involved in their activites, etc. Well, it just so happens that all of the major responsibilites of mine at his school all fell at the end of the year! Teacher Appreciation Week is a MAJOR event at Cedar Ridge and the week went very well, but the coordinating and executing of it was not without stress, preparation, and lots of effort! Then came school wide student school supply kit orders for 2009-2010.--I thought that this would be an easy, behind the scenes job for me. Yes, but oh, my! LOTS of work and down to the wire deadlines, involving several thousand dollars! Got it done, just waiting until the beginning of August to get everything delivered and every kiddo's box to their classroom! And Field Day!--It was a great day for everyone, but an exhausting one!--Maybe next year someone else will help coordinate!
4. After field day, we left for the lake for Memorial weekend and had a marvelous time of recovery! Kirk and I both noticed about that time, that JT's tooth didn't look grey anymore! (Upon talking to the dentist, this is NOT the norm.--Once the trauma occurs and it turns grey, it will either stay that way or get worse. God is good! My smily little guy looks great!) We did have to go back to school for Tuesday thru Friday the next week, but it wrapped up a TERRIFIC 1st grade year for Joshua. He couldn't have had a better year of growth, fun and learning. He is "looping" next year, so no anxiety about 2nd grade! We are so glad to have Mrs. C again!:)
5. Summer began with a bang...
Week 1: Swimming Lessons
Week 2: Basketball Camp
Week 3: VBS (I worked crafts this year, so John Thomas got to go to VBS as well!)
The last day of VBS was Friday. We were to leave for the beach on Friday morning, so we were going to have to miss the last day, but even more devasting that that, was that JK's city championship game for baseball was that night!
So, being a coach's son, Joshua and Kirk stayed and played (they won the championship!) and flew out to meet us halfway the next morning.
6. That brings us to THE BEACH! A heavenly week was had by all in Fort Morgan, Alabama. The house was unbelievable, the white sand was as gorgeous as ever, the weather was great the whole week and the food and company even better! Beach in the morning, lunch and naps and deck time in the middle, pool time in the afternoon, yummy dinners, and evening strolls on the cool sand in the evenings. LIFE WAS GOOD. Kirk even caught 2 sharks! The cousins all got a long, all the adults all had king sized beds and we even had an ice maker! Kirk (AKA Pit Master) smoked unbelievable ribs, pork and chicken, we went to Lulu's (2 hour wait, but worth it--at least to the girls), Mom did a fantastic shrimp boil, the men and kids went to watch the Blue Angels practice at the Naval Base, the dolphins rolled out in the water all week, and the kids got air brushed t-shirts!--Add in our nice tans and it doesn't get much better than that!:)
7. The day we left was Joshua's 8th birthday. Hard to believe my baby is 8. In fact, let's just not talk about it! No seriously, we felt bad that his day was to be spent in the car driving all day, so we had made homemade ice cream complete with oreos and opened some presents earlier. We had reservations to stay in a hotel halfway, but took a short detour to Oxford Mississippi to see Ole' Miss, Grandaddy alma mater. The Lord smiled on us, because Nana found an open gate and we got to go in and run on the football field! I have a picture of Joshua running out of the Rebel tunnel! We finished the evening at Chili's with singing and a "Chocolate Volcano Cake". Unbeknownst to Joshua, when we got home, we had gone together with Nana & Grandaddy and Nanny& Gramps and gotten him a Wii with all of the extras! He was ecstatic!
8. We returned home from the beach on Sunday night and left to join the Fridrich clan at the lake on Wednesday! We stayed until Sunday and had a great 4th of July. Aunt Cindy provided us with all the fireworks we could ever use and the rain stopped enough that day for us to get sun, play, go to Pete's for dinner, have great homemade ice cream and see the display. The Lord blessed us, because it seemed to rain that day BETWEEN each of those events! Our neighbors at the lake kindly blew up their trampoline complete with slide and rolling log and anchored it out for the boys to use all weekend. They had a blast playing "Wipeout!"
9. Upon return, I went into full birthday party mode! Josh had his 8th birthday party at Tuttle Stadium. He invited 18 boys and 16 were able to come! We did drills and games on the turf, they got to wear the players real jerseys, eat in the locker room and do a slip-n-slide on the field afterwards. One of his friends told him that this was the best party of his whole life!
10. This long list is getting longer and I am getting more rambly than usual! I had a gum graft yesterday and am on pain medications, so please excuse any and all grammatical errors. (Without the medications, you know it would be perfect!--NOT!) The surgeon took a graft from the roof of my mouth and grafted it onto the top of two-three of my teeth on the top left. If you are still reading this at this point, listen up!---SAVE YOURSELF NOW! If you are an aggressive brusher, change to an electric toothbrush so as to prevent the constant erosion and receeding of your gums! It is not fun and the bad part is...I have to do another set of surgeries next year when my insurance will pay again! So with that warning and this endlessly boring update...I am going to go eat some yogurt and take a nap!
Monday, April 13, 2009
He Is Risen Indeed!

For a day that started with pouring rain and cold temps. and ended in a 3 hour wait in the pediatric urgent care, it really was a great Easter!
Backing up a little...Joshua was out of school on Friday, so Kirk took a half day vacation and we went to Shawnee to visit his parents. We had a great visit with Nanny and Gramps and got to see Aunt Karrie, Uncle Steve, AJ and Brett for a little while too! The boys got to hunt eggs, go riding in the golf cart (Joshua drove!), roll in the leaves down by the creek, and get lots of goodies! We had a great steak dinner and Kirk and I even slipped out for a late night movie! The next day we all met up at Billy Boy's (best bbq in Shawnee) for lunch and then on to the church for some arts and crafts and a huge egg hunt. It was a good time and I'm so glad we got to go.
When we got home on Saturday night, however, it was full steam ahead! I was rushing around doing laundry, ironing Easter outfits, doing baskets, charging video cameras (by golly, I even changed out my purse to match my dress!) getting everything ready for the next morning so we would not be stressed or rushed. Well, let's just say, thank goodness I prepared so much, because I hate to think of what it would have been like had I not done what I did!--It was still rushed and stressed, but I was determined not to let it take away the joy of the reason for the celebration! (I will say, if Kirk had not spent 30 minutes working on the boys' GIGANTIC tiger shark and Star Wars Tie Fighter kites, we would have been on time!--I am not bitter, though...except a little maybe when I look at the monstrously large kites now fully assembled in my house with no place to go!)
The combination of already being 10 minutes behind and the rain made dropping off under the drive thru at church VERY slow! I managed to get the boys in without getting soaked and got them to their classes. Then I waited...and waited...I could hear the music already starting and I was getting anxious and a little perturbed (but remember, I was determined to be joyful!). Needless to say, Kirk returns about 10 minutes later informing me that he had to park at Mardel's and walk over in the rain!
Our "normal" seats were so gone by now and we found ourselves walking up to the balcony! It was totally crowded too, however, we spotted a whole row of empty chairs right in front that had been added. We rushed over, put our stuff down and began to sing! Yea, right? How fortunate, right? Not so much...as soon as we sat down we realized why the seats were not already taken! You couldn't see over the railing when you sat down! So, up we go trying to scout out some more seats. Thankfully we found some available across the room and took off to stake our spot!
And it was just in time! The Lord so showed up in the ensuing praise and worship time! It was meaningful and powerful and full of praise and truth to our Risen Lord! The tone was set and Dr. Harrison preached the word clearly and precisely. With tears and amens, I took in every word and note of the morning feeling so blessed to be a child of our Jesus! What a celebration of hope and peace is Easter!
We left church and met up with Mom and Dad and Melissa and Rus and the girls at Charlestons for lunch. It was so nice to have reservations and just walk in and be seated on such a busy day. We all enjoyed our lunch and then went back to Mom and Dad's house. Before everyone changed clothes, we tried to snap a few pics and then everyone scurried off to get into something cozy! Mom had tons of yummy desserts, the Masters golf tourney was on and naps ensued! We all woke up to eat and hunt eggs and visit! What a delightful day of celebration and family and fellowship.
Yes, the day did end with me taking JT to the urgent care and having to sit for three hours in a CRAZY waiting room filled to the brim with sick and rowdy children, but in between John Thomas' strep test and chest x-ray and endless waiting, we read a book that was in the exam room. It was a bible story book and I was totally paraphrasing because it was so not on a 3 year old's level. Anyone that looks "biblical" to JT is Jesus, so every page he kept pointing out Jesus to me, however when we came to the part where it actually was Him coming into Jerusalem, I said, "Hosanna" and John Thomas said, "Yes! Hosanna to the King!" Yes, my sweet Baby. Hosanna to the King! He is risen indeed.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Bohemians Gone Bahamian!
No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth, I just cant seem to get away from the eleven thousand loads of laundry--all of which have to be hung to dry, and the nine stores that I need to return ties to that don't match JK's easter shirt! But time is marching on and I haven't even blogged about THE HAMAS!
The title of this post is the saying that we had on our lovely buttercream t-shirts that all 11 of us wore on the plane to Atlantis. (They were cute, but Kirk wasn't so thrilled to wear his. When we arrived in Dallas to meet up with the rest of the gang, he peeked out of the gate to make sure that his sister wasn't going to be dressed otherwise all the while giggling and saying, "You got punk'd!")
The trip was amazing and we had a blast! Everyone stayed well and injury free --minus a few scrapes and bruises from all of the slides at Aqua Adventure. It took me about three days to stop saying, "I can't believe we are here!" Paradise Island was breath takingly beautiful and the Atlantis staff was super accomodating and polite. Kirk and I have described the trip as Big Splash meets Las Vegas meets Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous! Atlantis Resort owns 70% of the island and as far as you can see, there are amazing water slides, beautiful pools, sea life like you can't believe, crystal clear surf and white sand, palm trees galore, specialty shops, and on and on.
Nanny and Gramps had the room adjoining ours, so they sure earn a jewel in their crowns for spending a very close week with us! Basically every morning we got up, put on our suits and out we went for the day. I was so impressed with Joshua for trying all of the slides.--Me...not so much! Nanny rode "The Current" over and over and even spent most of her days with the family and not in the casino! We ate dinners and walked the docks at night and saw some unbelievable yachts, went to the straw market one day by water taxi, went snuba diving off the island...It was just an amazing time making memories all together.
(On a side note...John Thomas turned three the day after we arrived. We already had his party in Tulsa before we left, but Kirk and I stayed up after the kids fell asleep and decorated the room with balloons, streamers and a banner. We celebrated that night after dinner with ice cream. $34 for four single dip cones!--He's worth it, I guess!)
I am going to post a few of our hundreds of pictures next, but had to end on a funny note...On the way home from Nassau to Dallas, we are all boarding the plane and Kirk and I start looking at our tickets for our seat numbers. Row 5, okay...wait a minute!...are you sure?...surely not!...are you kidding me?! The four of us sat down in our roomy first class seats while the rest of the gang walked on back! Oh, my goodness! While our family sat crammed in the back for 3 1/2 hours with no snacks (unless you want to pay $4 for some cheese and crackers) or leg room, we sat in plush seats with warm, roasted nuts, warm towels, a full course dinner and free head phones! What a way to end the trip. (We felt bad for the others...we really did.)

Thursday, February 12, 2009
A Little Bit of This and That
I have allowed myself exactly fifteen minutes to write this post because I am in the middle of day two of making cake balls for the kiddos' teachers and athletic staff for Valentine treats. (Ever get in the middle of a project and ask yourself, "What was I thinking?!"--Yea, I am there now.--But cake balls...those are some yummy goodness right there!) Anyway, lots of random things that I don't want to forget follows...
Snow days used to be fun when I was a kid.--It snowed in the night and when you woke up, you looked outside and went berserk (that word looks so weird!). They would call off school, you'd play outside all day making forts, snow angels/snowmen, having snowball fights, and sliding down any slight incline you could find. It would melt enough by sundown that you'd go back to school the next day. A day off and pure fun! These days, well let's just say as of late in Oklahoma, we prefer to have "ice days". These entail bitter cold temps., sleeting and treacherous roads. School is called off for DAYS (did you hear me plural!) because IF the temps. rise and a little bit melts, it refreezes as soon as the sun goes down! Basically you are held captive in your homes until you think you cannot stand it any longer! Well, this time Aunt Lucy and I decided right off the bat to descend upon Nana. If we have to be miserable, let's do it all together! Needless to say, we camped out at my mom's for 3 days straight. We had a blast! The cousins played non-stop, did crafts and watched shows. We girls actually got to have a few uninterrupted conversations and even watched a movie one afternoon (that was not uninterrupted--I think we stopped and started it 15 times!). In the end, I think we all had a marvelous time!
The day it started, Kirk did take the boys outside and pull them on the sled. It was around 16 degrees and sleeting!

Okay, I am running over my time limit here and the cake balls are calling for me to come dip them, so I'll be quick..
Monday after school Joshua and I were working on his homework and he says, "Mom, we did this thing in class today where Mrs. Coleman wrote 'Love is_____' and we had to write something and draw a picture." He proceeds to tell me that he wrote, "...Jesus on the cross washing away our sins. I even drew the Roman soldiers!" Think maybe he's beginning to "get it"?
On a lighter note...the other night Kirk brought home Long John Silver's for dinner. When he walked in, the table was already set and the boys and I were seated. Immediately Joshua begins to bug Daddy about the hushpuppies.--Did he get him some extra ones, how many , blah blah blah!!!! John Thomas chimes in with, "My can't like washbuddies." We burst out laughing! Needless to say, our new word around the house has now become "washbuddies"!:)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Big Bear Campground
John Thomas will turn 3 on March 16. I had intended to change his room over to "big boy" at that time. I had already purchased the bedding that I wanted to use (did that in September or before, I can't recall, but wanted to make sure it didn't get discontinued--Target likes to do that with anything that is really cute or popular!) and had looked leisurely for furniture, but had not made any decisions yet. Mind you, JT does have a totally different personality than Joshua, however, as crazy as he is, he had not EVER tried to climb out of his crib. So this was not a necessity (no we are not pregnant with another--just to squelch any rumors!) I just felt that 3 was a good age and his birthday was a good time (seeing as he got every toy known to man for Christmas and there will be nothing to buy for him!). I had begun to be aware of the fact that when I'd check on him at night when he was really tired, his little body would look as if it stretched from one end of the crib to the other. I'd stand and stare and pat and listen to his breathing and leave feeling like my baby was getting so big.
Well, so much for easing into that transition of life for him or me!--On January 2nd, Nanny and I took the boys to the mall while Kirk, Gramps and Kyle moved out JT's nursery, replaced it with Joshua's furniture and brought in bunk beds to replace his! We came home to a disaster area, but both boys were ectatic! Well, I'll have to say that Joshua was totally over the edge and JT just kind-of looked around and thought, "Where did my room go?"! In a way it was like ripping off a bandaid really quick--I didn't have time to linger on the emotional implications this had for me. Yes, this is my baby boy, and probably the last we'll have, and we are putting his nursery furniture--the same that his big brother used--in the attic, and Kirk is making comments like, "I tried to get Kyle to take it for he and Heather to use.", etc., etc. But I didn't have time to pause and think about those things until...now!
For the first two weeks or so, I busied myself with MANY trips to Hobby Lobby and Walmart looking and buying anything to do with bears or camping (Theme= "Big Bear Campground"). I scoured the websites to find camping signs to hang, and made stencils to replicate the paw prints from his sheets. The entire family made an around the world and back trip to all the Targets in Tulsa to replace the lantern lamp I bought because it was broken and no one else had one (finally found the LAST one on the planet, I think.--Praise God!) I carefully put away all of his animals and "Noah" things on the shelves of his closet to make room for the new "accesories", and have made lots of calls and three trips to Big Lots in wishful thinking that they might have the leather club chair I saw in their December ad. (Still trying to convince myself not to spend $80 at Target on one!)
I am still lacking a rug (can't make up my mind), painting his book shelf (color depends on the rug color choice!), the chair, and a tree (hopefully Nanny's offer still stands to have hers!) to finish up the room, but overall I am pleased and so is John Thomas. (Good thing, I guess, since it is HIS room afterall!) So, now I've had time to sit back and process a little bit.--I have to say he really does seem happy in his new room, he has not fallen out of bed a single time (I am acutely aware of any loud noise on the monitor!), and when he wakes up after nap or in the morning he stills yells, "Mommy, my wake!" and doesn't get up until I come up there. Best of all though are the following two things: I get to snuggle in bed with him to read and say prayers, and when I check on him in the night, he looks REALLY tiny in that big bed!:)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I will not feel guilty. I will not feel guilty. I will not...
When I started this blog it was my intention to use it primarily as a tool to document my/my family's life since I don't. do. scrapbooking. EVER. I promised myself it would not become something stressful, because as you know, I can make a stressful situation out of most anything! Nonetheless, I am feeling guilty about not posting about Christmas and it is now January 14! It was a great and blessed time and must be documented, but because of my lack of time (instead of getting back into the routine of things and tying up loose ends from 2008, I decided to embark on a new project!--That is for another post, however!) I will limit my description to bullets rather than paragraph form. (And everyone said, "Amen"!)
*Friday, Dec. 19th--"Winter Party" at Joshua's school. I am homeroom mom for his class, so there was some stress, but overall the party was a great success. They each wore chef hats and decorated gingerbread houses!--That's right...let Tina plan the party and we will have a long lasting activity that keeps them calm and in their seats! They did have fun, though!:)

That night we had "Big Family Christmas" at my parents' house. Normally this involves my parents and all of my siblings and their families. This year, my older sister and her husband were unable to attend due to a business engagement, but my nephews still came. Steven brought his girlfriend, Barbara, whom we already love.--This is a good thing because before the break was over, he had proposed!:) We all enjoyed getting to visit, eat, open presents, eat and let the kiddos play (and eat!).
*Sunday, Dec. 21--Kirk, the boys and I headed out early to meet all of the Fridrich clan at church in Shawnee. The little kids' choirs were doing a Christmas musical and my boys enjoyed getting to be there.
That night, Aunt Cindy, Aunt Kelle, Morgan and the Davis bunch came over to Nanny and Gramps' and we ate and opened presents. (Is anyone seeing an underlying theme to our family get togethers?) Nanny/Gramps' spoiled us way too much and were finally able to tell the boys the big family gift...a trip for all of us to the Bahamas on Spring Break! We bohunks ended the evening-o-fun with a rousing time singing karoke! (No joke! We had the machine, microphone and everything!)
*Monday, Dec. 22--Both Nanny and JT were sick. Thankfully we were able to get appointments with Nanny's dr. in Shawnee. John Thomas had strep!!! He was pretty miserable, and taking that first round of antibiotics was a nightmare, but he was a trooper and improved drastically after a couple of days. (Nanny is STILL sick!) That night, I drove back to Tulsa to go to the Rockettes at the BOK Center with Mom, Melissa and Tracey. It was amazing and such a good time with the girls.
We stayed at Nanny/Gramps' until Christmas Eve afternoon, and then left with everyone to go to Prague. It was the first time any of us would spend the evening at Kirk's grandma's house without her being there. Although a beautiful poinsetta sat in her chair, her presence was so with us.
Kirk, the boys, and I left out with just enough time to meet my parents and Melissa, Rus and the girls at church in Tulsa for the Christmas Eve service. Campbell has already become a "Baddley Girl" in that she talked so much and so loud that Rus had to take her out!
We spent that night eating, of course, and getting the kids ready for a visit from Santa. Every year they wear matching Christmas pj's. It's been fun to add a new cousin the past two years! (Kirk did say that this would DEFINITELY be the last year for Joshua to wear the "fitted" kind!)

*Thursday, Dec. 25-Saturday, Dec. 27th--We spent at Mom and Dad's. Christmas morning was a hit as always. The kids were all nuts over Santa's visit and all of their gifts. It was several hours before the adults even started opening! Mom and Dad went totally overboard and lavished us all. We had a great breakfast and played all day and into the night, continuing when Tommy, Amy and Griffin came over for dinner.

*Saturday we were able to take down almost all of Mom's decorations. She likes LOTS and it is usually a MASSIVE and very tedious undertaking, but for some reason, this year was different. It still was a lot of work and took ALL day, but I truly enjoyed getting to be together and visit and share memories as we worked.
It sounds so corny, when we live a mile and a half a way and see each other all the time, but it is always a little emotional for me to leave their house after the holiday.
*Sunday, Dec. 28--We got to have Brett with us for church and lunch because he was already at TU practicing with the team. What a treat. We are so proud.
*Monday, Dec. 29/Tuesday, Dec. 30--We hung out, played, put away our decorations; one day it was 70 degrees and the kids got to play outside with no jackets! We also went to Owasso to see Lucy and the girls for lunch and playtime. Kirk came and got JK and they went to join the rest of the Fridrich/Davis boys for the Thunder game in OKC. Joshua got to see Shaq and Steve Nash!
*Wednesday, Dec. 31/Thursday, Jan.1--Nanny, Gramps and the Davis gang came and spent the night and rang in the new year! Guess what we did? (EAT!) We also had a basketball tourney on JK/JT's new arcade basketball hoops in the gameroom. I believe Brett won.:)
*Friday, Jan.2--Nanny and I took the boys to the mall while Kirk, Gramps and Kyle surprised them by changing out their rooms. We brought the boys home to the surprise of bunk beds for JK and big boy furniture for JT!
*Sunday, Jan.4--We went to church and to eat at the Renaissance with Nana and Grandaddy. Afterwards, we rushed home, changed clothes and headed out to the BOK Center to see the Harlem Globetrotters!! Compliments of Aunt Cindy!--What a great gift. It was a terrific time. We had second row seats right behind the Globetrotter bench and spent the afternoon laughing and oohing and ahhhing. What a great way to end the winter break!
*It goes without saying that the TV was on 24/7 the entire break airing only football bowl/ playoff games and an occasional late night movie on ONDemand. Go TU Hurricane. Enough said.
*Friday, Dec. 19th--"Winter Party" at Joshua's school. I am homeroom mom for his class, so there was some stress, but overall the party was a great success. They each wore chef hats and decorated gingerbread houses!--That's right...let Tina plan the party and we will have a long lasting activity that keeps them calm and in their seats! They did have fun, though!:)

That night we had "Big Family Christmas" at my parents' house. Normally this involves my parents and all of my siblings and their families. This year, my older sister and her husband were unable to attend due to a business engagement, but my nephews still came. Steven brought his girlfriend, Barbara, whom we already love.--This is a good thing because before the break was over, he had proposed!:) We all enjoyed getting to visit, eat, open presents, eat and let the kiddos play (and eat!).
*Sunday, Dec. 21--Kirk, the boys and I headed out early to meet all of the Fridrich clan at church in Shawnee. The little kids' choirs were doing a Christmas musical and my boys enjoyed getting to be there.
That night, Aunt Cindy, Aunt Kelle, Morgan and the Davis bunch came over to Nanny and Gramps' and we ate and opened presents. (Is anyone seeing an underlying theme to our family get togethers?) Nanny/Gramps' spoiled us way too much and were finally able to tell the boys the big family gift...a trip for all of us to the Bahamas on Spring Break! We bohunks ended the evening-o-fun with a rousing time singing karoke! (No joke! We had the machine, microphone and everything!)
*Monday, Dec. 22--Both Nanny and JT were sick. Thankfully we were able to get appointments with Nanny's dr. in Shawnee. John Thomas had strep!!! He was pretty miserable, and taking that first round of antibiotics was a nightmare, but he was a trooper and improved drastically after a couple of days. (Nanny is STILL sick!) That night, I drove back to Tulsa to go to the Rockettes at the BOK Center with Mom, Melissa and Tracey. It was amazing and such a good time with the girls.
We stayed at Nanny/Gramps' until Christmas Eve afternoon, and then left with everyone to go to Prague. It was the first time any of us would spend the evening at Kirk's grandma's house without her being there. Although a beautiful poinsetta sat in her chair, her presence was so with us.
Kirk, the boys, and I left out with just enough time to meet my parents and Melissa, Rus and the girls at church in Tulsa for the Christmas Eve service. Campbell has already become a "Baddley Girl" in that she talked so much and so loud that Rus had to take her out!
We spent that night eating, of course, and getting the kids ready for a visit from Santa. Every year they wear matching Christmas pj's. It's been fun to add a new cousin the past two years! (Kirk did say that this would DEFINITELY be the last year for Joshua to wear the "fitted" kind!)

*Thursday, Dec. 25-Saturday, Dec. 27th--We spent at Mom and Dad's. Christmas morning was a hit as always. The kids were all nuts over Santa's visit and all of their gifts. It was several hours before the adults even started opening! Mom and Dad went totally overboard and lavished us all. We had a great breakfast and played all day and into the night, continuing when Tommy, Amy and Griffin came over for dinner.

*Saturday we were able to take down almost all of Mom's decorations. She likes LOTS and it is usually a MASSIVE and very tedious undertaking, but for some reason, this year was different. It still was a lot of work and took ALL day, but I truly enjoyed getting to be together and visit and share memories as we worked.
It sounds so corny, when we live a mile and a half a way and see each other all the time, but it is always a little emotional for me to leave their house after the holiday.
*Sunday, Dec. 28--We got to have Brett with us for church and lunch because he was already at TU practicing with the team. What a treat. We are so proud.
*Monday, Dec. 29/Tuesday, Dec. 30--We hung out, played, put away our decorations; one day it was 70 degrees and the kids got to play outside with no jackets! We also went to Owasso to see Lucy and the girls for lunch and playtime. Kirk came and got JK and they went to join the rest of the Fridrich/Davis boys for the Thunder game in OKC. Joshua got to see Shaq and Steve Nash!
*Wednesday, Dec. 31/Thursday, Jan.1--Nanny, Gramps and the Davis gang came and spent the night and rang in the new year! Guess what we did? (EAT!) We also had a basketball tourney on JK/JT's new arcade basketball hoops in the gameroom. I believe Brett won.:)
*Friday, Jan.2--Nanny and I took the boys to the mall while Kirk, Gramps and Kyle surprised them by changing out their rooms. We brought the boys home to the surprise of bunk beds for JK and big boy furniture for JT!
*Sunday, Jan.4--We went to church and to eat at the Renaissance with Nana and Grandaddy. Afterwards, we rushed home, changed clothes and headed out to the BOK Center to see the Harlem Globetrotters!! Compliments of Aunt Cindy!--What a great gift. It was a terrific time. We had second row seats right behind the Globetrotter bench and spent the afternoon laughing and oohing and ahhhing. What a great way to end the winter break!

Okay, I know that was not exactly in "bullet form"...I tried, I really did. Okay, not so much!:) You can wake up now...It's finally over!
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