As a little girl, I had all these dreams of what my life would be like when I "grew up". My childhood was a GREAT one and I wouldn't change a thing, so a lot of what I envisioned came from my own personal experience watching my mom. Even though the getting married right out of college thing didn't quite go as I planned, I DID marry the man of my dreams--just about 7 years later! Since I married a football coach, I tacked on some new ideas to go along with my childhood visions...I would continue saving the world through molding the minds of our youth for a few more years, then have 2-3 children and stay home and raise them until they were all in school full time and then I would go back to work. My dream was to be the wife that worked registration at the little kids camps, sorted t-shirts and shorts for a bazillion players, painted logos on locker room floors, made snacks for the coaches' on work weekends and never missed a chance to cheer on my man and his boys. Meanwhile at home, I saw myself taking my kids to the park, doing crafts at home, making cookies together, snuggling while reading books, supporting them in all their activities and...being a homeroom mom while I could. (I may have failed at some things so far, but I have gotten the priviledge of being Joshua's class homeroom mom for last year and looks like again this year.
Mrs. C's birthday falls at the beginning of school, so we had to work fast! It was the same day as "Curriculum Night", so I wanted to do something to make her feel really special, but not stress her out on such a long and stressful day/night. We started the day by bringing in her favorite Sonic drink and homemade cards and presenting her with an autographed t-shirt that said "Your Class Rocks". That afternoon when she went to pick up the class from P.E., they were not there! All she found was a gift and a ransom note. She was given specific instructions which took her all about the school gathering gifts. The final place was the science lab, where we all waited to surprise her. The kids thought it was a blast and she seemed touched. Thank goodness it was the end of the day.--Between the double decker cookie cake with icing and the ice cream with toppings, they were hyped up! Happy Birthday, Mrs. C!
You're such a good mommy. I bet you wrote AMAZING clues for Mrs. C.! :)
Seriously, you rock! Love you.
BTW, my word verification for this comment was "skins". I think that's a sign that we're gonna kick some Tiger bootie on Friday night!
i bet you are a VERY successful mom!!! we are hardest on ourselves!
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