Oh, my precious John Thomas...he does light up my life, but he so marches to his own beat! Unlike Joshua who has LOVED school from his very first day of MDO, JT seems to like it, but would rather stay home with me! He informed me this morning on the way to his first day of 3 year-old preschool, "My not want to go to school." To which I responded, "I'm sorry, sweetheart, we have to go to school; that's what boys and girls do. They all go to school to learn and play." Even though I said this in my cheesiest teacher voice, he still said again, "My not want to go to school!"
Oh, well, at least he didn't cry. Although...do you see the picture with his new VERY nice teachers? Yep, he borrowed those lips from his older brother who has them mastered! No, seriously, he really was ok and so was I surprisingly! He put his lunch in the bucket, his mat and backpack in his tub, turned in his "All About Me" star proudly (BTW, I did a very nice job on it, thank you very much!), and went straight to play on the floor with the trains. Aside from not wanting to smile for the camera, he acted almost like it was a normal day! He even blew me a kiss goodbye! I was so proud.
After his little "open house" last week at school, I came away so excited about all he is going to do and learn this year. Just last week, he started drawing me pictures of himself complete with hair and legs and eyebrows and everything! The past two nights, after reading our books, he has "read" them completely to me! You don't understand...this is my child who only knows the letter J and T (oh, and U--for Union Redskins!) and could care less!! I really feel like he is growing and ready to learn! It's sounds corny, but it's so exciting to see!
In just a little while I will drive to his school and walk down the hall to his classroom. I will peek in and my eyes will be drawn to this skinny, little, curly headed blond child.--My throat will tighten and my heart will swell because I am so proud of him and so glad that he is MINE! I love you, little man and am excited to watch you grow this year. It's going to be an awesome adventure!