I have allowed myself exactly fifteen minutes to write this post because I am in the middle of day two of making cake balls for the kiddos' teachers and athletic staff for Valentine treats. (Ever get in the middle of a project and ask yourself, "What was I thinking?!"--Yea, I am there now.--But cake balls...those are some yummy goodness right there!) Anyway, lots of random things that I don't want to forget follows...
Snow days used to be fun when I was a kid.--It snowed in the night and when you woke up, you looked outside and went berserk (that word looks so weird!). They would call off school, you'd play outside all day making forts, snow angels/snowmen, having snowball fights, and sliding down any slight incline you could find. It would melt enough by sundown that you'd go back to school the next day. A day off and pure fun! These days, well let's just say as of late in Oklahoma, we prefer to have "ice days". These entail bitter cold temps., sleeting and treacherous roads. School is called off for DAYS (did you hear me plural!) because IF the temps. rise and a little bit melts, it refreezes as soon as the sun goes down! Basically you are held captive in your homes until you think you cannot stand it any longer! Well, this time Aunt Lucy and I decided right off the bat to descend upon Nana. If we have to be miserable, let's do it all together! Needless to say, we camped out at my mom's for 3 days straight. We had a blast! The cousins played non-stop, did crafts and watched shows. We girls actually got to have a few uninterrupted conversations and even watched a movie one afternoon (that was not uninterrupted--I think we stopped and started it 15 times!). In the end, I think we all had a marvelous time!
The day it started, Kirk did take the boys outside and pull them on the sled. It was around 16 degrees and sleeting!

Okay, I am running over my time limit here and the cake balls are calling for me to come dip them, so I'll be quick..
Monday after school Joshua and I were working on his homework and he says, "Mom, we did this thing in class today where Mrs. Coleman wrote 'Love is_____' and we had to write something and draw a picture." He proceeds to tell me that he wrote, "...Jesus on the cross washing away our sins. I even drew the Roman soldiers!" Think maybe he's beginning to "get it"?
On a lighter note...the other night Kirk brought home Long John Silver's for dinner. When he walked in, the table was already set and the boys and I were seated. Immediately Joshua begins to bug Daddy about the hushpuppies.--Did he get him some extra ones, how many , blah blah blah!!!! John Thomas chimes in with, "My can't like washbuddies." We burst out laughing! Needless to say, our new word around the house has now become "washbuddies"!:)