John Thomas will turn 3 on March 16. I had intended to change his room over to "big boy" at that time. I had already purchased the bedding that I wanted to use (did that in September or before, I can't recall, but wanted to make sure it didn't get discontinued--Target likes to do that with anything that is really cute or popular!) and had looked leisurely for furniture, but had not made any decisions yet. Mind you, JT does have a totally different personality than Joshua, however, as crazy as he is, he had not EVER tried to climb out of his crib. So this was not a necessity (no we are not pregnant with another--just to squelch any rumors!) I just felt that 3 was a good age and his birthday was a good time (seeing as he got every toy known to man for Christmas and there will be nothing to buy for him!). I had begun to be aware of the fact that when I'd check on him at night when he was really tired, his little body would look as if it stretched from one end of the crib to the other. I'd stand and stare and pat and listen to his breathing and leave feeling like my baby was getting so big.
Well, so much for easing into that transition of life for him or me!--On January 2nd, Nanny and I took the boys to the mall while Kirk, Gramps and Kyle moved out JT's nursery, replaced it with Joshua's furniture and brought in bunk beds to replace his! We came home to a disaster area, but both boys were ectatic! Well, I'll have to say that Joshua was totally over the edge and JT just kind-of looked around and thought, "Where did my room go?"! In a way it was like ripping off a bandaid really quick--I didn't have time to linger on the emotional implications this had for me. Yes, this is my baby boy, and probably the last we'll have, and we are putting his nursery furniture--the same that his big brother used--in the attic, and Kirk is making comments like, "I tried to get Kyle to take it for he and Heather to use.", etc., etc. But I didn't have time to pause and think about those things!
For the first two weeks or so, I busied myself with MANY trips to Hobby Lobby and Walmart looking and buying anything to do with bears or camping (Theme= "Big Bear Campground"). I scoured the websites to find camping signs to hang, and made stencils to replicate the paw prints from his sheets. The entire family made an around the world and back trip to all the Targets in Tulsa to replace the lantern lamp I bought because it was broken and no one else had one (finally found the LAST one on the planet, I think.--Praise God!) I carefully put away all of his animals and "Noah" things on the shelves of his closet to make room for the new "accesories", and have made lots of calls and three trips to Big Lots in wishful thinking that they might have the leather club chair I saw in their December ad. (Still trying to convince myself not to spend $80 at Target on one!)
I am still lacking a rug (can't make up my mind), painting his book shelf (color depends on the rug color choice!), the chair, and a tree (hopefully Nanny's offer still stands to have hers!) to finish up the room, but overall I am pleased and so is John Thomas. (Good thing, I guess, since it is HIS room afterall!) So, now I've had time to sit back and process a little bit.--I have to say he really does seem happy in his new room, he has not fallen out of bed a single time (I am acutely aware of any loud noise on the monitor!), and when he wakes up after nap or in the morning he stills yells, "Mommy, my wake!" and doesn't get up until I come up there. Best of all though are the following two things: I get to snuggle in bed with him to read and say prayers, and when I check on him in the night, he looks REALLY tiny in that big bed!:)