Above pic is of Joshua and his teacher after his "program". It was "Bedlam Day" at school and he and Mrs. Coleman matched! (All of the children had on turkey hats, not just mine!)
As I took a shower tonight, I thought back over something that happened at Joshua's little Thanksgiving songfest at his classroom this afternoon. It wasn't really a program per say, just a chance for the parents to come and see their kiddos sing a few Thanksgiving songs. It lasted all of 10 minutes and then we got to take our children home early! (Yea for the teacher!) Anyway, after about the third song, the kiddos reached down and picked up little signs and held them by their sides. One by one they each held up their sign and read off what they were thankful for. (I know, don't end a sentence with a preposition!--"...for which they were thankful" sounds so formal!)Family, friends, my dog, etc., etc. were some of the answers. Eventually it came to Joshua's turn and he says in a clear voice, "I'm thankful for Jesus." Well, I just stood there in the back of the room feeling so proud that MY child had such a good answer and was not worried about saying it.--How awful am I?
When I was thinking over that tonight, it made me remember something that happened earlier in the week with John Thomas that I found humorous. It was time to pick up Bubba from school, and I went upstairs to wake JT up from his nap. I got him out of his crib and set him on his changing table to put on his shoes so we could leave. He had been sound asleep, so his hair was crazy and his little eyes were still all scrunched up. He just looked so snuggly! I squeezed him and said, "OOH, who made you so cute?" He looked at me and in a monotone voice said, "God did and he made my tennis shoes too." I almost burst out laughing because it was like a flashback to my elementary Sunday School classes where if you answered "Jesus" to any question, you were almost guaranteed to get it right!
In pondering these two times with my boys, I am so glad that they know the "right" answers to say. At least that let's me know that they are HEARING. But are they SEEING? I so want to be a vessel through which they see and feel God's love demonstrated for them. My greatest desire and prayer for them is that one day they will not only know ABOUT Him, but KNOW Him. I have gotten to witness and be a part of so many milestones in their short lives, but nothing could compare to that day!